土豆切片机可以切长条洋葱, 蒜, 韭菜, 芹菜, 卷心菜, 白菜, 鱼, 豆腐干, 白菜, 面条, 瓜类, ETC. 还可以切根类蔬菜, 例如将竹笋切丝、切片, 将竹笋切丝、切片. 可连接自动化生产线, suitable for food processing industry, central kitchens, ETC.

The following need to pay attention to the operation of the potato slicer:
1. Place the machine on a dry and ventilated water platform before use to ensure that the machine works smoothly and reliably.
2. Check all parts before use, whether the fasteners are loose during transportation, whether the switch and power supply are damaged due to transportation, and whether there are foreign objects on the conveyor belt.
3. Check whether the power supply voltage is consistent with the voltage to be used.
4. No-load test run. The cut vegetables should be free of silt, and no foreign matter should be mixed in